Digital Identity
Federated Identity Services

Who we are
Digital Identity Ltd is a Manchester, UK company that supplies federated identity services to higher education, small businesses and charities. Digital Identity is currently Pete Birkinshaw with his freelance IT consultant hat on.
Most of my work is based around applying the many benefits of Shibboleth and other SAML software, LDAP, CAS and MFA.
Consultancy, IAM Support Contracts and Bespoke Software
We've provided consultancy services and bespoke software development related to identity management, identity assurance, authentication and authorisation services for over ten years.
In order to provide better support coverage and expand our range of services, in 2017 Digital Identity joined with Serotine Ltd to create a new consultancy-focused company, Mimoto. Mimoto also provides commercial support for Digital Identity's SaaS products and open source projects.
Indiid is an identity provider: it provides accounts that you can use to log in to other services on the Internet. We help you to log in securely and conveniently and to only share the information you want to share. Indiid is currently focused on academic research users.
IndiidDigital Identity Labs OSS
Many of our internally developed software tools, frameworks and libraries will be open sourced under the permissive MIT license, or sometimes inherit Apache 2. We're big fans of open source software; we all rely on the open-sourced work of others.
Digital Identity LabsGeneral & Business Enquiries
Please get in touch if you have any questions about our software and services
Technical Support
We use Zendesk to handle support queries, but it's easiest to send an email using this address -
Docker Hub
We're big fans of using containers. Some of them are available for free on Docker Hub.