A Cup Of Matcha 1
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I used to enjoy reading a regular link blog called A Fresh Cup until the author, Mike, retired it (and himself, in an non-Blade-Runnery way) a few years ago. A Fresh Cup focused on sharing interesting software development links and was often a great source of neat projects.
Nowadays I read a lot of different mailing lists, do a lot of bookmarking, and bombard colleagues with what I think are interesting links, so it’s hopefully not going to be much more effort to post them here too, where they might be useful to more people. Common themes will probably be Ruby, Elixir, identity management and systems administration. Let’s see how it goes - here’s the first big batch of things I found last week:
- Wretch - A friendly wrapper for Javascript’s fetch (which I need, I loathe fetch)
- Elixir for humans who know Python - I love Elixir but it can be surprising for new users. Python is used a lot in HE.
- YouPlot - Shell-based graphs
- I am not a supplier - On companies making a new sort of unreasonable demand on open source authors
- SSH Server Hardening - Important to get this right
- PG Activity - Monitor Postgres
- Typst - Yet another markup format, but with strong science and maths features (Rust)
- Miller - “Miller is like awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for data formats such as CSV, TSV, JSON, JSON Lines”
- Adopting PGCat, A Nextgen Postgres proxy
- SMTP Server A fresh, modern SMTP server (at least as much as SMTP can be fresh and modern)
- Ruby GraphQL field notes GraphQL and Ruby
- MapKick Javascript library for mapping
- A gentle introduction to Domain Driven Design Introduction to Domain Driven Design
- Omniauth-apple
- From Ruby to Node I usually use Ruby for CLI tools, but NodeJS is worth considering
- Hanko IdP using modern Passkey and FIDO protocols
- The Zen of Proverbs Software development advice
- What’s so great about functional programming anyway? I’m a fan now (with reservations)
- Gitgat Git repo security checks
- Terraform - The Awesome Value Type “any” and Loops I’ve been considering using HCI
- Dex an OIDC IdP (not new, but I need to take another look)
- Go Read A shell based RSS reader
- Wa-tunnel Send network traffic over Whatsapp. A desperate measure and/or a very silly thing
- UXF A new data format
- LISP — Mecrisp Stellaris Unofficial 1.0 documentation History
- Wren “Think Smalltalk in a Lua-sized package with a dash of Erlang and wrapped up in a familiar, modern syntax” OH YES.
- Cram Cram, a dotfile and tool manager