A Cup Of Matcha 4
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There was a strong Postgresql theme last week:
- Postgres: The Graph Database You Didn’t Know You Had Using Postgresql graph data
- SQL Maxis: Why We Ditched RabbitMQ And Replaced It With A Postgres Queue RabbitMQ is great but it does seem to be overkill for simpler apps.
- Announcing FerretDB 1.0 GA - a truly Open Source MongoDB alternative I didn’t like MongoDB, but much of that was due to the dev culture and decisions - maybe I’ll like this clone?
- Setting Up PostgreSQL Failover and Failback, the Right Way! I’m very out of date on PG clustering and replication
- PostgreSQL: credcheck Extensions to manage passwords for PG users
- PL/Rust Just Shipped: Easy Way to Try It Out Try the new Rust add-on for PG
- PostgreSQL: Documentation: 15: MERGE I had no idea MERGE existed
- merge_into_polyfill Adding PG MERGE to Ecto
- Supavisor Another useful PG connection pooler, but written in Elixir!
Webassembly (WASM) seems to be maturing enough to be very useful now, but last week I found saying “WASM” in public was embarrassing.
- Wasm, WASI, Wagi: What are they? They are all embarrassing to say
- Announcing WCGI: WebAssembly + CGI CGI is back!
- WAPM - WebAssembly Package Manager A WASM package manager
And various other interesting things:
- LiveSvelte Integrating Svelte into Phoenix LiveViews
- Elixir Idioms for JavaScript Developers I’ve shared similar for Python and Ruby - this is an Elixir intro for JS devs
- Iconhunt Lots of icons
- An Introduction to Mocking Tools for Elixir I’ve settled on using Bypass for HTTP mocking
- Fisk: A pure Ruby assembler Tenderlove’s latest - a Ruby x86 assembler
- Squib Build and print card games with Ruby
- Introducing Security Device support on RubyGems’ CLI FIDO2 reaches RubyGems
- 8086 Emulator An online x86 compiler
- Tetris Almost the original Tetris, playable online to promote the Apple film.
- Speaking Primal I was surprised to start playing Far Cry Primal and realise the invented language is properly constructed, and has speakers
- Ky Another enhancement/replacement for Javascript’s horrible Fetch
- CrabLang Rust has been forked, I don’t know why.
- Bash string manipulation I need this for Docker projects
- Load Balancing Load balancing strategies explained with neat animations
- University multilateral federation solution design For when a university manager announces Shibboleth isn’t needed, again.
- Codeberg.org A new alternative to Github
- Assistant by scite An “AI” chatbot trained on academic journals.