A Cup Of Matcha 7
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Quality over quantity this week.
Interesting identity management links from last week:
- Government issued digital credentials and the privacy landscape “offers a balanced, global view of privacy concerns by exploring laws, implementations, gaps, and tradeoffs facing the people developing these new ecosystems”
- I outsourced all authentication headaches in 1 hour There are always headaches but I’m interested in this approach all the same
- Spid-sp-test A SAML SP test tool
- How to SSH Properly SSH Best Practices (potentially skewed towards things Teleport can help with, but justifiably)
- SSH in Javascript SSH in Javascript. Maybe useful for An Idea.
Sysadmin and development links:
- CLI tricks every developer should know Github’s intro to using the terminal
- ATProto The AT Protocol (used by Bluesky, etc) for Elixir
- Bullet Train A SaaS platform written in Ruby
- Exposing a Rust Library to Node with Napi-rs Embedding Rust in Node
- Inquirer Commandline UI elements for interactive CLI app in Javascript
- WebContainers now run on Safari, iOS, and iPadOS You can now run Node, etc in browsers. Backend in the frontend.
- SoftServe A self-contained Git hosting service
- An Update on the Lock Icon The browser padlock icon for TLS hasn’t made much sense for awhile - Chrome is changing it to a generic site settings icon
- Badging for home screen web apps Save a website as a desktop icon, now with little red number badges
- Browsr A modern TUI file browser, grandchild of DOSShell and File Commander.
- Service Mesh Landscape I just want all my things to be able to talk to my other things
- Still A static website builder, written in Elixir
- Minisearch, Lunr, Flexsearch and Fuse Lots of JS search engines for static websites. I have had another Idea, I’m afraid.
And finally, some odder items
- 30th anniversary of licensing the Web 30 Years!
- Image Carbon Check and fix the carbon impact of web images
- The Breakfast — Meet new people over breakfast It’s a dating app for making friends, or just having an interesting chat