A Cup Of Matcha 10
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Two possible projects have interested me this week - even if they eventually go nowhere I’ve enjoyed looking into new topics.
Starting with the last week’s identity management links, as usual:
- Touchstones Along My Identity Journey Mike Jones’ recent keynote talk
- simhospital Not directly relevant to IAM but I want something similar to this for FE/HE organisations
- SSI wallet for education and research A technical exploration A good, interesting report but it doesn’t ask why enough
- 11 HTML best practices for login & sign-up forms Nothing radical but always worth reviewing
- A Well Known URL For Your Personal Avatar If Bluesky/AT leads to a growth in personal domains I can see this being useful
- Packaging Open Policy Agent policies with Nix Packaging ACLs like this is new to me
- Kestra A data processing workflow framework
- Giving Back: How to Contribute Your IAM Knowledge to the World Heather Flanagan talks about how different organisations build and publish documentation, policies and standards
Erlang can cluster applications, and it’s possible to link services written in other languages into the cluster… How feasible is it to access Java OpenSAML libraries using JInterface? Is it worth accessing C and Rust code this way instead of embedding it? I still don’t know but I read these pages last week.
- How to link your Java application to Elixir/Erlang Nice tutorial and overview
- Erl_Interface User’s Guide Official Erlang docs on integrating with C apps
- Getting started with OpenSAML 4 A friendly tutorial on using OpenSAML4
- nodex Elixir helper modules for working with C cluster components
- Erlang erpc Erlang’s own RPC protocol
- ErlRPC An Erlang RPC client for Rust
- ErlDist Clustering Rust applications with Erlang
While I’m no fan of saying “AI” enthusiastically, or even unironically, I’m wondering if I could use machine learning for detecting compromised or abusive user accounts in a private-by-default manner.
- postgresml Lots and lots of ML functionality in a Postgresql extension
- Neighbor Nearest neighbor search for Rails and Postgresql
- What is User Entity and Behavior Analytics (UEBA)? UEBA is… this
- Augmenting Traditional UEBA with ML and Deep Learning My idea isn’t new
General coding and system administration links:
- AmazingPrint A modern replacement for AwesomePrint
- DSL Factory A Ruby DSL for building DSLs
- Auditor CINC’s Auditor is an open source fork of Chef’s Inspec system testing software. I’m VERY happy about this.
- Take your BASH scripting seriously More scripting advice
- sider Database data version control
- Mojo🔥 A new compiled language heavily inspired by Python (I don’t actually like Python, this might be more likeable…)
- snips.sh Another fancy pastebin clone. I’ve always wanted to write one but with great ones like this around I really shouldn’t
- How to start a Go project in 2023 Advice on starting a modern Go project
- The Starbucks Test. A cup of coffee could be the fastest… I’m doubtful that bribing random people with coffee for market research would work well in the UK
- Tags and Postgres Arrays, a Purrrfect Combination Advantages of using arrays in Postgresql
- The New dialog HTML Element Changes Modals Forever A video about modern approaches to web popups and modal dialog boxes
- Docusaurus I’m still looking into static website builders, and this one looks very, very good
- Markdown for the component era it uses this for embedding JS in Markdown
- Introducing the popover API A new way to generate web “popovers”
- rio GPU-accelerated terminal for Linux
- Tackling Performance Issues in Ecto Applications I’ve not needed this yet but
- rails-brotli-cache A faster compressed session cache for Rails
- javy Javascript into WASM
- A Web Component Intro with Example I’ve still never used web components, should I?
- 12 Microservices Patterns I Wish I Knew Before the System Design Interview Microservice advice
- fly-tailscale-exit: Tunneling local apps to the world
- with-friends.ts Bluesky lets people host their own feed algorithms written in Typescript - this is an example
- bluesky-social/feed-generator This is the service that accesses them
- interfaces Web interface design advice
- Introducing “Implement DNS in a Weekend” Oh no, this is tempting me
Finally a few unusual things
- Fractional Reserve Crypto-Banking Changing justifications for Bitcoin, increasing instability
- Infinite Mac Lots of classic Mac emulators
- Retro Computer Museum There’s a little retro computing museum in Leicester
- Beepberry Tiny Blackberry like Pi case and keyboard. SMS from Bash
- shlinkedin.com A surprisingly functional, open source spoof of LinkedIn