A Cup Of Matcha 15
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I went to Sheffield last week, which isn’t that unusual in itself (lots of people go to Sheffield) but I think it might be the first time I’ve left Greater Manchester in about 3 years. I went to the UKEduCamp unconference where I only mildly embarrassed myself and met lots of friendly smart people.
Links for Identity Management, IdM, IAM, IDAM, or whatever first:
- The Password Game It’s a silly frustrating game but makes a good point too - stop demanding complex passwords, ask for longer passwords
- Announcing Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 23486 Passkeys support in Windows beta/preview OS
- let_me A nice authorisation library for Elixir
- Council and Parliament strike a deal on a European digital identity (eID) EU moves forward with “wallet” plans (which due to the word’s association with blockchains immediately makes me queasy)
- Worldcoin Expands Into Germany, Adds Okta Identity Management Software Integration Awful exploitative eye-scanning scam gets into the Okta/Auth0 catalogue
- Bcrypt at 25: A Retrospective on Password Security Great article by the creator of Bcrypt to mark its 25th year. 25 years!
- Save and Sign In with Passkeys Using 1Password In the Browser Passkeys are starting to appear in 1Password apps
- Recommended IdP Software The Canadian education and research networwork’s list of recommended IdPs
Machine learning and “AI” links next:
- Traditional Machine Learning with Scholar Library with lots of common ML functions, for Elixir
- Machine Learning in Rust; Is it worth learning it? Rust is surprisingly weak for ML so far
- The New New Moats Article on the economics and business models of AI companies
Online safety for people who are particularly at risk was a topic I read around a little last week:
- Online Free Safety Guide – Games and Online Harassment Hotline Handling harrassment from online mobs
- Surveillance Self-Defense Resisting online surveilance
- Workbook on Security Lots of brochures on various topics for at-risk organisations
The usual big blog of general web and app development links:
- What is Tech Radar and Why Teams Need to Have One I’ve only just learned what a tech radar is - I’m not sure if the benefit is from looking at it or just making it
- What is east-west traffic? “East West Traffic” was also new to me
- Flipper You can buy Flippers (a sort of hacking multi-tool) directly in the UK now
- GKE Security Posture now generally available with enhanced features Google’s Kubernetes can now check itself for security issues, which is nice, but also looks a lot like a toast-scraping machine
- blog/sysadmin/ReportConfigFileLocations Software should tell you where its config files are (or could be)
- WebAssembly runtimes will replace container-based runtimes by 2030 A prediction that compiling software to WASM will replace running software in Linux containers
- Revolt An open source, privacy-focused chatroom service
- reddit1.0 The LISP sourcecode for the original version of Reddit
- Some Elixir Testing Tricks I like tests but I want to spend less time on writing them
- Introducing the MDN Playground: Bring your code to life! Mozilla’s MDN docs have their own JS/CSS/HTML sandbox now
- Finding Unused Indexes In PostgreSQL I have a habit of over-indexing Postgresql databases
- GPT detectors are biased against non-native English writers ChatGPT-detectors misidentify non-native-English writers as AI bots because they are badly-made “AI” too.
- GMail is Breaking Email Google is ruining the open Internet, again.
- uniq Modern UUIDs for Elixir (and a few other neat things)
- Deception, exploited workers, and free cash More info on awful WorldCoin scam
- A simple Twitter archiver Convert an exported Twitter archive into a static blog
- History of IKEA.com: Static files and Microfrontends Following last weeks link to IKEA metaphors, here’s an article on IKEA’s actual web infrastructure
- 5 Important Microservice Design Patterns This clarified a few things for me
- “AI”-powered Meeting Recording For All Teams “AI” that helps you in meetings (written in Elixir but OTOH is uploading a private meeting into a cloud ML system a good idea?)
- In Your Face A Mac app to visually yell at you before meetings
- ACME Is Uptime A website promoting the ACME CA protocol
- Release v1.14.0 · hashicorp/vault Vault now supports ACME! I’m surprised it took this long.
- How to Deploy Cross-Platform Rust Binaries with GitHub Actions I’m still pondering a Rust CLI app…
- Hello Exograph! Friendly Rust library for adding GraphQL APIs
- Zellij A new, Rust-based tmux style shell multiplexer -
- WebAssembly (Rust) Plugins for your Terminal - which can use web assembly plugins!
- Create beautiful images of your source code Fancy code screenshots (possibly too fancy)
- If You Liked Shoes, You’ll Love Glimmer! A GUI library for Ruby
- Mastering the New UI RubyMine has an optional new UI
- Keep Your Ruby App Secure with Bundler Using Bundler to run some security checks on Ruby code
Only a few odd things this week:
- Dwitter Javascript demos written in 140 characters or less. Mind-boggling.
- A Song Of Summer It’s too hot
- css-only-chat “A truly monstrous async web chat using no JS whatsoever on the frontend”