A Cup Of Matcha 17
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Going to an interesting conference early last week (Manchester Dev Con) coincided with a week of weird migraine symptoms. I’ve been zombie-like. I think my part of my brain has had a week off work - I got absolutely no coding done at all.
But have still gathered a few interesting links. First off, the identity management things:
- RBAC: An Opportunity to Innovate? Interesting article on Role Based Access control - not dead yet.
- How Hype Will Turn Your Security Key Into Junk I’ve been warning people about this for awhile: physical FIDO devices have limited storage for resident keys
- Azure-AD becomes Microsoft Entra ID Azure ADFS is being rebranded as “Entra ID”
- Adequacy decision for the EU-US Data Privacy Framework New agreement for EU - USA data sharing
- Revealed: Metropolitan police shared sensitive data about crime victims with Facebook UK police are also passing private data to Facebook. No sympathy for this now - they didn’t even fix it after the earlier scandals elsewhere came to light.
BlueSky’s protocol increasingly looks like it started off as an idealistic/naive/stupid blockchain-based project and then dropped the bits that couldn’t work (blockchain obviously) until only the bits weren’t actively bad were left. I have mixed feelings about it.
- “Fucking Christ the @protocol is the most obtuse c…” A Mastodon thread on how needlessly complicated the AT Protocol appears to be
- Setting up Bossett’s BlueSky Feed Generator Setting up the BSky-Feeds feeds service using Docker and a VM
- Building a Perl module for posting to Bluesky I enjoyed reading this, I sometimes miss Perl
WASM is still interesting and so close to being massively important:
- mod_wasm (more details here) Run WASM code in Apache, but sadly without integration with Apache’s interals
- Orb Wasmtime A new Elixir package for embedding WASM
Only two ML/”AI” links. Maybe the hype is dying down now.
- ChatGPT monthly traffic has dropped for the first time Has ChatGTP traffic peaked? Usage is wobbling a bit now
- The Future of Large Language Models is Elixir More general and ranty than the title suggests
Product management time:
- How to optimize your pricing page I don’t even have pricing pages right now
- 2023 State of SaaS trends SaaS trends as an irritating slideshow
- Tech Stack Canvas A way to document (illustrate, really) your technical stack
Linux on Macs:
- lima-vm/lima Lima is easy to get started with, a little fiddly in places. Think of it like WSL2 for Macs.
- Lima: a nice way to run Linux VMs on Mac An article about Lima
- OrbStack · Fast, light, simple Docker & Linux on macOS An alternative to both Lima and Docker Desktop, for Macs.
A bunch of general web development, sysadmin and programming links now:
- Suc and A slack clone in 5 lines of bash A crude Slack clone on Linux, using bash.
- Bespoke A useful-looking open source mailing list manager. Like Mailchimp, etc, but with an openly creepy focus on gathering user data to use for marketing. Ugh.
- featurevisor “Git-based feature flags and experimentation management solution for developers”
- Shortening the Let’s Encrypt Chain of Trust Older Android devices may stop accepting Lets Encrypt certificates
- given-exunit Cucumber-style BDD tests within Elixir’s ExUnit
- Easy SVG sparklines Making your own sparkline graphs, directly with SVG
- Ideas for crafting CLI in Rust I’ve still not started my Rust CLI app
- aqua Official Website Aqua appears to be similar to ASDF - a way to configure different terminal software in different folders/directories
- Driver.js Interactive tours of web app features
- The Git Rebase Handbook “A Definitive Guide to Rebasing” Nice explanation of a Git feature
- Gossip Protocol How the Gossip clustering protocol works. Interesting! Really!
- ntroduce defp keyword for defining overloadable, pattern matched methods A proposal to add Elixir-style function pattern matching to Ruby
Only one odd link today, and it’s less odd than just not really fitting in anywhere else:
- Psychological ‘specialness spirals’ can make ordinary items feel like treasures — and may explain how clutter accumulates How people can turn normal objects into special object they shouldn’t actually use